Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday evening movie date

I awoke yesterday with a phlegmmy cough and decided that after my morning cleaning orgy, I'd take it easy. I spent much of the morning on the sofa with the cats and the Kindle, spirited away to Walker Percy's Louisiana.

By the afternoon, though, I felt that I really should make an effort to do something, so I booked myself a seat at The Flicks for the 6.00pm showing of "The Invisible Woman".  Around 2.00, I got an email from a new friend, Kathleen, asking if I might be interested to see "The Invisible Woman" at The Flicks at 6.00.  I knew I liked this woman from the moment I chatted her up as she wheeled her flat-tired bicycle down Street 63, and then again when she came up to introduce herself properly after a church service last Sunday. Kathleen is from Ottawa, about my age, working for an NGO, and she lived in KL for about ten years, but the decade before I was there.

I arrived at The Flicks a bit early. As I came up the stairs, I met the Cine-cat, whose name is Piri-piri.

"You could spend $3.50 to stare at a screen, or you
could gaze upon ME for two hours for free.
Up to you."

I drank a soda water on the balcony with Piri-piri until Kathleen arrived.  Then I got a glass of wine (a crisp French vin blanc), and we went into the "auditorium":  Maximum seating, about 25, depending upon how cozy you want to be with your neighbours.  The lower two tiers are just large cushions, suitable for sitting, lying or sprawling, Roman orgy-style.  The upper two tiers have cushioned rattan love seats with side tables between them for food and drink.  In the love seat next to us, a woman with a shaved head and many tattoos was sharing a bucket of popcorn with her chihuahua. The food menu is extensive -- all sorts of vegan goodies from Kn'yay, the restaurant next-door, plus pizzas, pastas and sandwiches from elsewhere.  There are no obnoxious ads before the film, nor (sadly) trailers for coming attractions.  There is only a single message, "If you wish to use your smart phone, we will happily pause the movie til you've finished. We'll then remove you and your phone from the premises."

The film is based upon Claire Tomalin's book about Nelly Ternan, the lover of Charles Dickens.  Ralph Fiennes directed it and played Dickens. Gorgeous film, and now I need to dig up a copy of the book.

After the movie, Kathleen asked if I might want to go somewhere for a drink, and we decided to try the Terrace on 95, just next-door.  It's a 1930s house, converted to a very chic guesthouse.  We had lime sodas and fresh spring rolls on the terrace.  It was too dark for my little camera to take a decent  photo, so I've borrowed one from their web site to give you an idea.

For those of you who said you'd like to come visit but would prefer to stay in a guest house, The Terrace on 95 would be a good choice.  It's only a few blocks away from my place and is next-door to The Flicks. For better or worse, it's out of the usual tourist area by the riverfront.  It's really elegant.  


  1. Kathleen sounds like a lovely person and I have a feeling she likes cats too. Anyway I can't imagine anyone not liking Piri-Piri, he is so regal and handsome. I am sorry to hear of your throat irritation, is it because of the dust? Shall I bring you a humidifier when I come visit so there won't be as much floating dust? Flicks, Kn'yay, and Terrace on 95 -- Now I have more things to add to my To-Do list when I visit Phnom Penh!

  2. Thanks for this nice write-up! Please know The Flicks does play trailers from time to time, but if the movie is already almost 2 hours (like The Invisible Woman), it will already fill up the entire block until the next scheduled movie. Then you are lucky and the movie starts straight away :-)


    1. Hi Ramon, and thank you for commenting! Since I posted this I have indeed seen a few trailers for coming attractions at The Flicks, but I didn't think to come back and update this post. Trailers or not, The Flicks is quickly becoming one of my favourite aspects of living in Phnom Penh. :-)

      With best regards to you and Piri-piri,
